XY – asztal A2

Az XY-asztal méretei: 400x305x42mm. Az asztal a kameratartó állvány alapjához van rögzítve, beépített golyóscsapágyak teszik lehetővé annak nagyon sima és pontos mozgását. Az asztalt 2 mm vastagságú ESD gumifelület borítja.

A tolóasztal lehet szabadon mozgatható és zárható kivitelű. A zárható tolóasztalt egy elektromágnes tartja. Csak akkor mozgatható, ha az oldalsó gombot a kezelő folyamatosan nyomva tartja.

XY – asztal A2 SPEC

Az XY-asztal méretei: 400x305x42mm. Az asztal a kameratartó állvány alapjához van rögzítve, beépített golyóscsapágyak teszik lehetővé annak nagyon sima és pontos mozgását. Az asztalt 2 mm vastagságú ESD gumifelület borítja. A tolóasztal lehet szabadon mozgatható és zárható kivitelű. A zárható tolóasztalt egy elektromágnes tartja. Csak akkor mozgatható, ha az oldalsó gombot a kezelő folyamatosan nyomva tartja.

Alkalmazási útmutatók

Clock comparison

Clock comparison

When applications involve the processing of image material from multiple cameras, the precise time or the correct chronological sequence of the image recordings is often important for...

Assembly of ferrites on USB cables

Assembly of ferrites on USB cables

In a noisy industrial environment the usage of ferrites can improve the fail safeness of USB cables. More info Source: IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH

IDS Software Suite – silent setup

IDS Software Suite – silent setup

A normal (non-silent) setup receives all necessary input from the user by clicking at dialog boxes. A silent setup does not prompt the user for input but gets its input from a...

Temperature dependency of image quality

Temperature dependency of image quality

This application note is related to all uEye CCD models (series UI-2xxx, UI-6xxx) and explains the dependency between image quality and temperature. More info Source: IDS Imaging...


Focus-Tunable Lenses Enable 3-D Microscopy

Focus-Tunable Lenses Enable 3-D Microscopy

Microscopy beginners may be perplexed when they notice that parts of a sample that appear only marginally out of focus often look much more blurred in an image. The depth of field as...

Obtaining Depth Information from Stereo Images

Obtaining Depth Information from Stereo Images

This paper gives an overview of the main processing steps for depth perception with a stereo camera. After a description of the general techniques, we discuss the specifics of the...

High Dynamic Range Imaging: Images and Sensors

High Dynamic Range Imaging: Images and Sensors

In the past, technological development in the image sensor field primarily strove to increase resolution by adding pixels. The current generation of digital cameras already offer...

Programozási példák

Getting started: uEye SDK and C

Getting started: uEye SDK and C

This samples describes step-by-step how to set up a simple console application for controlling a uEye camera. Here, the uEye SDK for C is used. More info Source: IDS Imaging...

Getting started: uEye .NET SDK and C#

Getting started: uEye .NET SDK and C#

This sample shows how to create a C# project with the uEye .NET SDK. It includes also a simple single grab sample for an easy start on programming uEye cameras. More info Source: IDS...

Crop operations on software side (C/C++)

Crop operations on software side (C/C++)

This sample shows the basic idea of continuously capturing images without losing frames. A ring image buffer sequence with at least 3 buffers is used. These buffers are put into the...

Multicast mode for GigE uEye cameras

Multicast mode for GigE uEye cameras

This programming sample demonstrates how to generally configure the multicast mode of an IDS GigE uEye camera and how to use the multicast feature as client. Besides initialization...

UEye .NET C# – image sequences

UEye .NET C# – image sequences

This sample shows how to acquire images in DIB-mode and put them into a sequence of image buffers. The sequence consists out of 10 buffers. The sample shows how to allocate the...





